Pubblicazioni Davide Persico

G. Villa and D. Persico “Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Ostia and Scabiazza Sandstones (Val Trebbia, Val Ceno, Val Taro, Northern Apennines, Italy): a key to a Cretaceous tectono-stratigraphic interpretation”. Bollettino della Società Geologica italiana, Volume speciale n. 1 (2002), 629-639.

D. Persico and G. Villa, 2002 “Morphology of Eprolithus and comparision to Micula decussata” Journal of Nannoplankton Research, 24-1, 15-26.

R. G. Lucchi, M. Rebesco, A. Camerlenghi, L. Tomadin, G. Giorgetti, A. Caburlotto, G. Villa, D. Persico, C. Morigi and M. C. Bonci  “Glacimarine Sedimentary Processes on a High-Latitude Neogene-Quaternary Sediment Drift: Geological Investigations on the Antarctic Peninsula Pacific Margin”. Marine Geology 3194 (2002) 1-28.

D. Persico and S. W. Wise, Jr “Calcareous Nannofossils at ODP Site 1139 on Skiff Bank, Nothern Kerguelen Plateau. (2003). In Frey, F.A., Coffin, M.F., Wallece,P.J., and Quilty, P.G. (Eds) in press. Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 183 [CD-Rom]

G. Villa, D. Persico, M.C. Bonci, C. Morigi, R. Lucchi, M. Rebesco (2002) - Biostratigraphic Characterization and Quaternary Microfossil Palaeoecology in Sediment Drifts West of the Antarctic Peninsula - Implications for Cyclic Glacial-Interglacial Deposition. Paleo, Paleo, Paleo. 198, 237-263.

D. Persico, 2003 Resti fossili di Ursus arctos nei depositi alluvionali del fiume Po in provincia di Cremona. Pianura, 17, 5-13.

D. Persico, 2003 Paleoecological and paleoclimatic implication of Cenozoic calcareous nannofossils from Antarctic region. Acta Naturalia del “L’Ateneo Parmense”, 39, 135-139.

D. Persico and G. Villa, 2004 Eocene-Oligocene calcareous nannofossils from Maud Rise and Kerguelen Plateau (Antarctica): palaeoecological and palaeoceanographic implications. Mar. Micropaleontol. 52, 153-179.

D. Persico, 2004. Rinvenimento di un dente premolare di rinoceronte nelle alluvioni quaternarie del fiume Po tra le province di Cremona e Parma. Pianura, 18, 139-145.

F. Lirer, D. Persico & M. Vigorito, 2005. Calcareous Plankton biostratigraphy and age of the middle miocene deposits of longano formation (Eastern Matese Mountains, Southern Apennines). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia Vol. 111 pp. 91-108.

G. Villa and D. Persico, 2006 Late Oligocene climatic changes: Evidence from calcareous nannofossils at Kerguelen Plateau Site 748 (Southern Ocean). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 231, 110-119.

D. Persico, E. Guareschi, P. Carubelli, 2006 Resti umani fossili delle alluvioni recenti rinvenuti presso San Daniele Po (CR): indagine antropologica e geopaleontologica. Pianura Vol. 20, pp. 147-171.

D. Persico and S. Ravara, 2007. Significative concentrazioni di resti umani nell’alveo del Po tra i comuni di San Daniele Po (CR), Motta Baluffi (CR) e Roccabianca (PR). Pianura, vol. 21, pp. 193-200.

Naish T.R., Powell R.D., Barrett P.J., Henrys S., Krissek L.A., Levy R.H., Niessen F., Pompilio M., Pyne A,, Ross J., Schrerer R., F. Talarico, Wilson G.S. and Andrill-Mis Science Team - Late Cenozoic climate history of the RossEmbayment from the AND-1B drill hole: Culmination of three decades of Antarctic margin drilling. Proceedings of the 10th ISAES X, edited, Vol.2, 150 - 166, 2007.

R. Scherer, M. Hannah, P. Maffioli, D. Persico, C. Sjunneskog, C.P. Strong, M. Taviani, D. Winter & The Andrill-Mis Science Team. Palaeontologic Characterisation and Analysis of the AND-1B Core, ANDRILL McMurdo Ice Shelf Project, Antarctica. Terra Antartica 2007, 14(3), 223-254.

D. Persico and G. Villa, 2008. A new Eocene Chiasmolithus species: hypothetic reconstruction of the phyletic lineage. Journal of Nannoplankton Research.

G. Villa, C. Fioroni, L. Pea, S. Bohaty, D. Persico. Middle Eocene - Late Oligocene climate variability: calcareous nannofossil response at Kerguelen Plateau, Site 748. Marine Micropaleontology 69 (2008) 173–192

T.R. Naish, R.D. Powell, and MIS Science Team. Obliquity-paced Pliocene West Antarctic Ice Sheet oscillations. Vol 458| 19 March 2009| doi:10.1038/nature07867

G. Villa, D. Persico, S.W. Wise, A. Gadaleta (submitted) - Calcareous nannofossil evidence for Marine Isotope Stage 31 (1 Ma) in the AND-1B Core, ANDRILL McMurdo Ice Shelf Project (Antarctica). Global and Planetary Change.